What does it mean to be a “self”? Look at an old photo. Then look in the mirror. Those two images are of the same person, right? How so? They don’t look the...
Episode 11
Season 05
How can I assess whether God exists without exploring what kind of God is supposed to exist? So I examine God’s essence and nature.
Episode 03
Season 10
Is consciousness something special in the universe, a carrier of meaning and purpose? Or is consciousness a mere artifact of the brain, a by-product of evolution? I hope...
Episode 02
Throughout history, dreams have fascinated and mystified. Messages from God? Images of the subconscious? Much about dreams is myth. What’s real?
Episode 08
If I seek God and avoid “the problem of evil,” I fool myself. If there is a God, evil is God’s hardest problem. If there is no God, evil is No-God’s...
Episode 09
We like to think that we are rational, that what we believe is what is true. But we often believe because of our “belief systems”-“how we believe” may...
Episode 10
I would like to believe in God, but conflicting religions trouble me. Religions clash and compete-and that’s a problem for those who believe or want to believe.
Our human sense is that our will is fully free. Our scientific sense is that every action is determined by a prior action. Free will versus determinism is a big question,...
Episode 12
Why does the mystery of consciousness lead some to the existence of God and others to only the brain? I’d like to believe in God. Can consciousness help me?
Season 09
Theists and atheists debate whether God exists. But what God are they arguing over? There’s enormous variation in the kinds of gods that populate religions.
Free will seems so obvious. Whatever I want to do, I just do. But could “I” be fooled? Some say that free will is an illusion. Others, that it’s a mystery.
Is the natural, physical world all-there-is? Or is there something more-a supernatural, nonphysical existence? I was trained in science, so I should be a naturalist....
Season 08