What is the relationship between science and religion in the major traditions: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Chinese traditions as well as Christianity? What are...
Topic Series
5 videos
How does Personal Identity Persist through Time? [Consciousness] Is the self an illusion? Decades roll by; every molecule of my body changes many times. Yet I sense myself...
Episode 05
Season 12
What is the ultimate future? How do the major religions address “final things”—eschatology—life after death, structure of reality, transformation of the world? We...
6 videos
Can Philosophy of Religion Find God? Does God exist? What are God’s attributes and traits? How should we examine such questions about God? Can philosophy provide...
Episode 06
Why do we spend so much of our lives not awake? What do sleeping and dreaming reveal about consciousness?
Episode 07
What kind of God would create hell? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism and Islam depend on the reality of Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer Insight into what that God...
Episode 12
Season 11
Judaism, Christianity and Islam each proclaim a resurrection of the dead, a bodily reconstruction of all people from all time. How would it work? Does it make sense?
Episode 11
Some philosophers and scientists claim that because every event is determined by prior events, including every event in our brains, free will is not real. What are the...
Episode 10
What is the ultimate essence of all things? What is ultimate existence, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, ineffability, causation? What is Brahman in...
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions and Hinduism address Final Things—eschatology—life after death and the ultimate transformation of the world? What are reincarnation...
4 videos
This is personal. Why should I want to believe in God? Is belief a circular path of self-deception? Or the shortest route to bedrock reality?
Episode 03