There is more to our mental lives than the current content of our awareness. Our subconscious affects what we sense, think, feel and do. How does the subconscious work its...
Episode 03
Season 17
How to think about God rationally, logically, profoundly, critically? Have no illusion that metaphysics can find God, but can a kind of progress be made?
Episode 04
Metaphysics seeks insights into fundamental features of existence. It does not depend on human emotions or personal testimonies. When metaphysics focuses on God, what...
Episode 05
To what kind of entity does the word “God” refer? What is this God that all worship or dismiss? What, supposedly, is God’s nature? What are God’s traits?
Episode 06
Huston Smith, world religion scholar and seeker of the Divine in diverse religions, died on December 30, 2016. We had the privilege of discussing God, spirit, soul, eternal...
Episode 07
Humankind has learned so much, so fast. What are the risks of scientific knowledge? Look to the future. Artificial intelligence. Genetic engineering. Benefits? Dangers?
Episode 13
What causes consciousness? Our inner sense of awareness is at once most mundane and most bizarre. No explanation makes sense. Here are three novel candidates for explaining...
Season 18
How can we have confidence in what we know or believe? What is knowledge? What is belief? How is belief justified? And is justified belief knowledge? How can we not doubt...
Can the analytic enrich the theological, sharpening distinctions of doctrine? Can deep questions about God be addressed with methods and practices that are precise and...
Episode 08
Hubert Dreyfus, renowned philosopher of phenomenology, died in 2017. A few years earlier, we discussed consciousness, AI, God, creation, religion, body and soul, existence,...
Episode 09
Hugh McCann, philosopher of action and advocate of God’s absolute sovereignty, died in 2016. A few years earlier, we discussed God’s radical, maximal nature.
Episode 12
Is analytic theology for the better, clarifying beliefs? Or for the worse, undermining faith? How does it compare with philosophy of religion, biblical studies and exegesis,...