Theists and atheists debate whether God exists. But what God are they arguing over? There’s enormous variation in the kinds of gods that populate religions.
Episode 11
Season 09
I’d like to live forever. Wouldn’t you? But what would “living forever” mean? Almost every religion offers life after death. What would immortality...
Episode 13
Season 08
Light-speed technology is accelerating, and even changing the way we think. So much so that you’re irritated when there a 10-second delay in downloading a Internet site...
Science can deal with God in at least three ways: Showing how God is not necessary; showing how God is likely; not relating to God at all. Only one way can be correct.
Season 01
Humans have a sense of right and wrong. Does this mean that morality is absolute? And if absolute, would God be needed to make it so? Even theologians are perplexed by God...
Episode 02
Season 02
I search for God but keep clear of miracles. Believers exhort me to accept that miracles are real, to recognize that miracles demonstrate the existence of a supernatural...
Episode 04
Season 07
Some say that science and theology together reveal deep reality. Others say that only science makes sense; theology is myth. Which is it? Science alone? Or science and...
Episode 08
Our universe began with a swirling, seething plasma-everything, everywhere, all the same. Today we have galaxies, stars, planets, people. How did such structure come about?
Episode 09
Why Seek an Alternative God? [God] Is God, if there is a God, a personal, conscious, all-powerful Supreme Being? Some offer radically different concepts of ‘God’.
Episode 10
Season 12
To solve the great mystery ‘Why does Anything At All Exist?’, many invoke ‘God’. But isn’t God also ‘Anything’? How could God be the reason why there is...
Season 13