Understanding the nature of transcendence requires careful experimentation and innovative ways to reveal essence and tease out aspects of aesthetics. What are key...
Topic Series
6 videos
Almost all religions use art in their sacred spaces and many use art forms in their worship rituals. Certainly, there is powerful social cohesion at work. Can...
9 videos
Since ancient times, certain texts and spaces have been deemed sacred: whether holy scriptures (which claim to be revealed by or transmitted from God), holy places (which...
10 videos
How can art, the visual arts—from painting to sculptures to film—take us beyond ourselves, generating a sense of awe and grandeur, opening up new ways of knowing and...
If God exists, and if God ordains history and intervenes with miracles, how does God do it? Tweak quantum fields? Fiddle with every subatomic particle? Command all of them en...
8 videos
Is God, if there is a God, the ‘God of History’? Does God make specific interventions in the course of human events to ensure that God’s purpose be...
12 videos
Analytic philosophy is the most rational of philosophical methods because it is the most rigorous, and it is used by theists and atheists alike to defend their opposing...
What is it about science and theology that causes such conflict? Scientists who are believers speak of the harmony (if not the ‘proof’). Scientists who are...
Some say that science and theology together reveal deep reality. Others say that only science makes sense; theology is myth. Which maximizes knowledge of the most profound...
Our universe began with a swirling, seething plasma—everything, everywhere, all the same. Today we have galaxies, stars, planets, people. How did such structure come about?...
Explore more philosophical questions that seek insights into the fundamental features of existence including the limits of science, the existence of God, discerning the deep...
13 videos
Science can deal with God in at least three ways: showing how God is not necessary; showing how God is likely; not relating to God at all. Is only one way best? Atheists...