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Rodney Holder

The Revd Dr. Rodney Holder was Course Director of the Faraday Institute from its inception in 2006 until 2013, and remains a Bye Fellow of St. Edmund’s College and a Faraday Associate. Holder read mathematics at Trinity College, Cambridge, and researched for a DPhil in astrophysics at Christ Church, Oxford. He remained at Oxford for…

Paul Davies

Paul Davies is a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and astrobiologist. He is currently Regents’ Professor of Physics and Director of the Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, where he also runs a cancer research project and co-directs a cosmology program. Davies’ research ranges from the origin of the universe to the origin…

Anthony Grayling

Anthony Clifford Grayling is an English philosopher who founded and became the first Master of New College of the Humanities, an independent undergraduate college in London. Grayling is a former Professor of Philosophy at Birkbeck, University of London, where he taught from 1991. He is also a supernumerary fellow of St Anne’s College, Oxford. Grayling…

Peter Forrest

Peter Forrest teaches the areas of Epistemology and Metaphysics at the University of New England. He works in the area of the philosophy of physics, epistemology, the philosophy of religion, and other issues in metaphysics and epistemology. He is an editor of The Australasian Journal of Philosophy. His first academic appointment was a Senior Tutor…

Charles Harper Jr.

Charles L. Harper Jr. is former Executive Director and Senior Vice President of the John Templeton Foundation. Harper was originally trained in engineering at Princeton University, where he earned his BSE, and went on to obtain his DPhil in planetary science from the University of Oxford for a thesis on the nature of time in…

John Hawthorne

John Hawthorne is the Waynflete Professor of Metaphysical Philosophy at the Magdalen College of Oxford University. He is primarily known for his work in metaphysics and epistemology; his 2006 collection Metaphysical Essays offers original treatments of fundamental topics in philosophy, including identity, ontology, vagueness, and causation. Hawthorne has also written on philosophy of language and…

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein

Rebecca Newberger Goldstein is an American novelist and Professor of Philosophy. She has written five novels, a number of short stories and essays, and biographical studies of mathematician Kurt Gödel and philosopher Baruch Spinoza. Goldstein graduated summa cum laude from Barnard College, receiving the Montague Prize for Excellence in Philosophy, and earned her PhD from…

David Albert

David Z Albert, PhD, is Frederick E. Woodbridge Professor of Philosophy and Director of the MA Program in The Philosophical Foundations of Physics at Columbia University in New York. He received his BS in physics from Columbia College (1976) and his doctorate in theoretical physics from The Rockefeller University (1981) under Professor Nicola Khuri. Afterwards…

Warren Brown

Warren S. Brown is founder and previous director of the Lee Edward Travis Research Institute at the Fuller Theological Seminary and Professor of Psychology in the Graduate School of Psychology. He is also a previous member of the UCLA Brain Research Institute. Brown received his doctorate in Experimental Physiological Psychology from the University of Southern…

Craig Callender

Craig Callender is a philosopher of science and professor of philosophy at the University of California, San Diego. In 1997 he obtained his PhD from Rutgers University with a thesis entitled “Time’s Arrow”. His main areas of research are philosophy of science, philosophy of physics and metaphysics. Callender joined UCSD in Jan 2001. From 1996–2000…

David Chalmers

David Chalmers is a philosopher at New York University and the Australian National University. He is Professor of Philosophy and co-director of the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness at NYU, and also Professor of Philosophy at ANU. Chalmers works in the philosophy of mind and in related areas of philosophy and cognitive science. He…

Stephen Braude

Stephen E. Braude is an American philosopher and parapsychologist. He is a past president of the Parapsychological Association, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration, and a professor of philosophy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Braude received his PhD in philosophy from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 1971. After working as a…