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Mohammed Saleh Zarepour

Mohammed Saleh Zarepour is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Manchester. He is on the editorial boards of Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Religious Studies, and AGATHEOS. He was an associate member and earlier a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Global Philosophy of Religion Project at the…

Carol Zaleski

Carol Zaleski is a Professor of World Religions at Smith College. She is a scholar and writer about religion. She is a columnist and editor-at-large for Christian Century, and has contributed articles and reviews to The New York Times, First Things, America, Second Spring, Nova et Vetera, Communio, Parabola, The Journal of Religion and The Journal of the History of Ideas. Zaleski previously…

David Cheetham

David Cheetham is a philosophical theologian researching a range of topics including the relations between religions, contemporary philosophical theology, and theology and the arts. He is currently a Professor of Philosophical Theology at the University of Birmingham and Co-Director of the Birmingham Centre for the Philosophy of Religion. Following doctoral studies on the work of…

Imran Aijaz

Imran Aijaz is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. His research focuses primarily on analytic philosophy of religion and Islamic philosophy. Across these two areas, he is especially interested in the topics of faith and reason, religious epistemology, religious diversity, and religious pluralism. He also has an interest in ancient philosophy…

Swami Medhananda

Swami Medhananda is a monk of the Ramakrishna Order and an academic philosopher, currently serving as Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at the Vedanta Society of Southern California in Hollywood. He is also the Hindu Chaplain at both UCLA and the University of Southern California. He is Section Editor for the International Journal of Hindu…

Tao Jiang

Tao Jiang’s primary research interest is classical Chinese philosophy, Mahāyāna Buddhist philosophy (Madhyamaka and Yogācāra), and cross-cultural philosophy. He is currently the director of the Rutgers Center for Chinese Studies. He is the author of Contexts and Dialogue: Yogācāra Buddhism and Modern Psychology on the Subliminal Mind (Hawaii), the translator of A Guided Tour of the Collected Works…

Jay Garfield

Jay Lazar Garfield is a professor of philosophy who specializes in Tibetan Buddhism. He is currently Doris Silbert Professor in the Humanities at Smith College, professor of philosophy at the University of Melbourne, visiting professor of philosophy and Buddhist studies at Harvard Divinity School, and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the Central University of Tibetan…

Helen De Cruz

Helen De Cruz is a Belgian philosopher and Danforth Chair in the Humanities at Saint Louis University who specializes in philosophy of religion, experimental philosophy, and philosophy of cognitive science. She is also currently editor-in-chief for Res Philosophica, associate editor for Ergo, editorial board member of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and editorial board member…

Muzaffar Iqbal

Richard Mouw

Barry Beyerstein

Eduard Shyfrin

Eduard Volodymyrovych Shyfrin is a Ukrainian entrepreneur who is a co-owner of the Midland Group. From 1977–1983, he attended the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, earning a PhD in metallurgy. Shifrin spent many years studying the Torah and Kabbalah with a particular interest in the intersection of science and religion. He also published a…