Featured An Invitation to Become a Closer To Truth Member An invitation to become a member from Robert Lawrence Kuhn, host and creator of Closer To Truth
Perspective A Darwinian Reflects on the Coronavirus Pandemic Would it be right to start things up again, even though people like me would be under more threat than if all stayed closed indefinitely?
Book Excerpt Mario Livio: Galileo and the Science Deniers An exclusive excerpt from Mario Livio's new book about the life of Galileo Galilei, his discoveries and how he was challenged by science deniers.
Book Excerpt Sean Carroll: Something Deeply Hidden An exclusive excerpt from Sean Carroll's new book about the essential puzzle of quantum mechanics.
Perspective Robert Lawrence Kuhn: “Virtual Immortality” Virtual Immortality: Why the Mind-Body Problem is Still a Problem.
Perspective Don Page: Relationship Between the Universe and God? Don Page takes us on a journey through life's biggest questions.