How can so many numbers of nature, the constants and relationships of physics, be so spot-on perfect for humans to exist? Beware: there is more than one answer lurking here.
Episode 07
Season 01
That the universe is ‘fine-tuned’ is generally not controversial. The laws of physics have to be ‘just so’ for anything we know, including ourselves,...
Topic Series
13 videos
In the far, far future, what happens to planets, stars, galaxies, black holes? What’s the ‘Big Rip’ and the ‘Big Crunch’? And if ‘multiple universes’ exist,...
Episode 04
Season 13
It seems absurd in a universe with 100 billion galaxies, each with billions of stars and planets, that we are the only intelligent life. So where are all the others? This is...
9 videos
I look up and I look down and I chill with awe. I look up to the universe and envision hundreds of billions of galaxies. I look down to the atom and imagine minuscule,...
Episode 02
Season 07
When we speak about the future of the universe, we mean when our sun burns out, when galaxies collide, when everything flies apart and ultimately evaporates. Do the untold...
The universe works for us because deep physical laws seem to work. But if the values of these laws would much change, in either direction, then all we see and know could not...
7 videos
How can so many numbers of nature—the constants and relationships of physics—be so spot-on perfect for humans to exist? Coincidence and luck seem wildly unlikely. This...
6 videos
Our universe has been developing for about 14 billion years, but human-level intelligence, at least on Earth, has emerged in a remarkably short period of time, measured in...
10 videos