To know reality, one must confront the quantum. It is how our world works at the deepest level. What’s the quantum? It is bizarre, defying all common sense. Particles...
Topic Series
8 videos
Sleep feels good but most think it a waste of time. Recent research shows quite the opposite: sleep is essential for bodily health and mental well-being, affecting the immune...
5 videos
Particles at two places at the same time—superposition. Particles communicating instantly with no respect to distance—entanglement. How to make sense of such weirdness?...
Evolutionary psychology naturalizes religion. It seeks to explain elements of mind by selection and survival over time. Take altruism—individuals sacrificing themselves for...
9 videos
Creation is God’s glory; creating is God’s essence. We’ve heard this so often and so long it seems to make sense. But does it make sense? What does it mean...
What does it mean to ask about the end of the universe? Can the universe even have an end? What would end? In the far, far future, what happens to stars, galaxies, and black...
10 videos
Metaphysics is the deepest probe of reality. It is the branch of philosophy that discerns the most general features of the world. When focused on God, metaphysics seeks...
7 videos
To do good science, science need not speak with religion. Many scientists, even believers in God, state that science can comfortably ignore religion. A minority claim that...
6 videos
‘Eternity’—time that goes on and on and does not end—used to be the province of philosophy, even theology, with no real evidence. But now cosmologists are...
The observable universe may contain two trillion galaxies and there may be innumerable universes. Is there ultimate unification of fundamental forces, a final theory of...
“Quantum” is the theory of the utterly small. “Cosmology” is the study of the utterly large. They combine, remarkably, when in the very early universe the entire...