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Panel: Traits of God and Other Deities

How do the Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, and Christian traditions address the traits of God and other deities? What specific traits or attributes do deities possess? Is God a personal being? What is the relationship between God and time? A panel of distinguished philosophers of religion joins host Robert Lawrence Kuhn to discuss these questions and…

Aaron Segal on Jewish Philosophy

From the Jewish perspective, what is the relationship between the Creator and the Created? What is the relationship between metaphysics and theism? What defines Jewish philosophy? Aaron Segal is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In this interview with host Robert Lawrence Kuhn, he discusses metaphysics, God,…

V.V. Raman on Philosophy of World Religions

How do the world’s religions argue for or against the existence of God? How do different traditions value mystical experiences? How do they view ultimate reality? Varadaraja Venkata (V.V.) Raman is Emeritus Professor of Physics and Humanities at the Rochester Institute of Technology. In this interview with host Robert Lawrence Kuhn, he discusses metaphysics, God,…

Victoria Harrison on Philosophy of World Religions

Victoria Harrison is Professor of Philosophy and Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities at the University of Macau. In this interview with host Robert Lawrence Kuhn, she discusses analytic philosophy of religion and the issues generated by religious diversity.   The Global Philosophy of Religion Project aims to make the philosophy of religion a truly…

Hamza Yusuf on Islam

How does Islam address big questions in philosophy of religion? How does Islam approach the Problem of Evil, arguments for the existence of God, mystical experiences and the relationship between the creator and the created? Hamza Yusuf Hanson is the president of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California, the first accredited Muslim liberal arts college in…

Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad on Philosophy of Indian Religions

How do philosophical traditions differ across Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism? How do they address big questions in the philosophy of religion? Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad is Distinguished Professor of Comparative Religion and Philosophy at Lancaster University (UK) and a Fellow of the British Academy. In this interview with host Robert Lawrence Kuhn, he discusses metaphysics, God, and…

Seyyed Hossein Nasr on Islamic Philosophy

How does Islamic philosophy define ultimate reality? What is the meaning of divine infinity within Islam? Seyyed Hossein Nasr is University Professor of Islamic Studies at The George Washington University. He is recognized as a foremost scholar of Islamic and Perennial Philosophy. In this interview with host Robert Lawrence Kuhn, he discusses metaphysics, God, and…

Yujin Nagasawa GPRP introduction

Yujin Nagasawa is the H.G. Wood Professor of the Philosophy of Religion and Co-Director, Birmingham Centre for the Philosophy of Religion at the University of Birmingham (UK). In this interview with Robert Laurence Kuhn, he introduces the Global Philosophy of Religion Project.  The Global Philosophy of Religion Project aims to make the philosophy of religion…

Celia Deane-Drummond on the Evolution of Wisdom

Celia Deane-Drummond talks the evolution of wisdom, COVID-19 and the boundary between natural and moral evil, Christian theology, and redeeming sin. She also discusses her book, Shadow Sophia, the second volume in her Evolution of Wisdom series.

Mario Livio on Science Denial

Mario Livio talks Galileo, the Hubble Telescope, modern and historical science denial, and the far future of life in the universe. He also discusses his book, Galileo and the Science Deniers, which provides a fresh interpretation of the life of Galileo Galilei, one of history’s greatest and most fascinating scientists, that sheds new light on…

Michael Ruse on Evolution and Philosophy of Biology

Philosopher Michael Ruse talks about the philosophy of biology, evolution, the concept of human superiority, and why there is anything at all. Ruse’s new book, A Philosopher Looks at Human Beings, is now available for purchase.

Daniel Dennett on Consciousness and Virtual Immortality

Daniel Dennett discusses the nature of consciousness, if consciousness is an illusion, artificial intelligence and virtual immortality, and how he covers all of this in his book, Just Deserts: Debating Free Will, co-authored with Gregg D. Caruso.