To some, personal religious experience is the best evidence of the existence of God. To others, such emotion-based beliefs can only reflect crowd-induced illusions or...
Topic Series
12 videos
What is it about consciousness that lead some to infer the existence of God? Both are mysteries but what follows from that? The argument makes three big assumptions: (i)...
9 videos
Whether God exists may depend on whether God is necessary. Even if God exists, would it have been possible for God not to exist? In other words, even if God does exist, could...
Episode 07
Season 06
What is the deep nature of the world? What is the role of value? What goes beyond the physical world? What is fundamental reality? We explore Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism,...
6 videos
What does it mean for God to be all-knowing? Would God have to know everything? What’s everything? Does being omniscient make sense? In other words, is it coherent that...
Almost all religions promise eternal life. In one form or another, the message goes forth that death is not final. But each religion paints its own portrait of the hereafter:...
Episode 12
Season 03
What is the deep nature of virtue? If God exists, then what is virtue? Does virtue differ in possible worlds where God exists and where God does not exist? How fundamental is...
5 videos
The God debate is not a game. ‘Is there a Creator God?’ is a serious question. If God exists, what can we know about God? Can an infinite God be accessible to...
10 videos
Does God have real choices? Or is God bound tightly by God’s own nature? Can God do absolutely everything? Can God be ‘brave’? Can God ‘improve’? For God to be God,...
Episode 13
Season 14
1 videos
Can we argue from morality to God? Can we construct an explanatory path from the existence of human morality to the existence of a Creator God? As with much about God, this...
Will God transform the cosmos? God has promised to give God’s own salvation or eternal life to human beings. In the context of the resurrection of the dead, could God...
4 videos