A judgment sounds foreboding. Most religions that believe in God, or in life beyond the physical, also believe in some kind of final judgment. Whether the active decision of...
Topic Series
5 videos
If God created the cosmos, what created God? It would not make sense for anything to have created God, because then that ‘anything’, not God, would be God. So, if...
God is said to be all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good. But what is God’s private mental life? Can we appreciate God as a Supreme Being?
Episode 03
Season 12
To consider God seriously, where to start? To try to see the big picture of God, what are the questions? What are the categories? What would be the prime attributes or traits...
8 videos
What is the ultimate essence of all things? What is ultimate existence, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, ineffability, causation? What is Brahman in...
The resurrection of the dead would be a stunning event. It’s a core tenet of Judaism, Christianity, Islam: every person who ever lived brought back to life in...
God and Time are two huge mysteries; relating them probes the nature of God, and perhaps even the existence of a Creator. If God is in Time and experiences its passage, then...
Episode 07
Season 02
What happens when deep questions of God are addressed by the precise methods of analytic philosophy? It’s not about “proving” the existence of God. It is about...
What kind of God would create Hell? Does the nature of Hell offer insight into what that kind of God would be like? Does the truth of Christianity, Judaism, Islam depend on...
6 videos
What does it mean for God to be perfect? Perfectly knowledgeable? Perfectly powerful? Perfectly good? Perfectly free? Did God create the ‘perfect world’?...
Can Philosophy of Religion Find God? Does God exist? What are God’s attributes and traits? How should we examine such questions about God? Can philosophy provide...
Episode 06