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Michael Graziano

Michael Steven Anthony Graziano is an American scientist and novelist who is currently a professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Princeton University. His scientific research focuses on the brain basis of awareness. Graziano was born in Bridgeport Connecticut in 1967 and spent his childhood in Buffalo, New York. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from…

Giulio Tononi

Giulio Tononi is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist who holds the David P. White Chair in Sleep Medicine, as well as a Distinguished Chair in Consciousness Science, at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Tononi and collaborators have pioneered several complementary approaches to study sleep. These include genomics, proteomics, fruit fly models, rodent models employing multiunit /…

Thalia Wheatley

Thalia Wheatley is currently an associate professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. She earned her BA from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MA and PhD from the University of Virginia. Wheatley’s areas of expertise include neural systems underlying social intelligence, perceiving cues…

Peter Tse

Peter Ulric Tse is Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in the department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College. He holds a BA from Dartmouth (1984; majored in Mathematics and Physics), and a PhD in Experimental Psychology from Harvard University (1998). Tse taught schoolchildren in the Peace Corps in Nepal after graduating from college, then…

Eran Zaidel

Eran Zaidel is Professor Emeritus of Behavioral Neuroscience and of Cognition in the Department of Psychology at UCLA, and a member of UCLA’s Brain Research Institute. Born in Israel, his research interests include: hemispheric specialization, inter-hemispheric interactions; right-hemisphere language; error monitoring; and the human corpus callosum. Zaidel earned his AB in Mathematics from Columbia College,…

Roger Walsh

Roger N. Walsh is an Australian professor of Psychiatry, Philosophy and Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine, in the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, within UCI’s College of Medicine. Walsh graduated from Australia’s Queensland University with degrees in psychology, physiology, neuroscience, and medicine, and then came to the United States as a Fulbright…

Adina Roskies

Adina Roskies is a Professor of Philosophy at Dartmouth College. Her areas of specialization include philosophy of science, philosophy of cognitive science, and philosophy of mind. At the University of California, San Diego Roskies concurrently earned an MA in Philosophy and an MS in Neuroscience, and received a PhD in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science in…

Arnold Scheibel

Arnold B. Scheibel was a Professor of Neurobiology and Psychiatry and former Director of the Brain Research Institute (BRI) at UCLA. He did his undergraduate work at Columbia College and received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1946. Though initially interested in cardiology, the apparent pervasiveness of emotional…

Robert Stickgold

Robert Stickgold is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He graduated from Harvard University before attending the University of Wisconsin–Madison where he received his doctorate in biochemistry. A preeminent sleep researcher, Stickgold has dedicated his life to understanding the relationship between sleep and learning.  

Walter Sinnott-Armstrong

Walter Sinnott-Armstrong is an American philosopher. He specializes in ethics, moral psychology, neuro-ethics, the philosophy of law, epistemology, the philosophy of religion, and informal logic. He is Chauncey Stillman Professor of Practical Ethics in the Department of Philosophy and the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. He earned his PhD from Yale University under…

John Schlag

John D. Schlag is a Distinguished Professor of Neurobiology at UCLA’s Geffen School of Medicine and an Emeritus Member of the Brain Research Institute at UCLA. His research interests include brain organization related to perception and movement. Noted for his careful research techniques and clear analytical reasoning, John was a superb advisor and mentor.

Eddy Nahmias

Eddy Nahmias is a Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the Neuroscience Institute at Georgia State University. He received his PhD from Duke University and his BA from Emory University. He specializes in philosophy of mind and cognitive science, moral psychology, and experimental philosophy. His research focuses on human agency, free will, and moral…