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Ananda Guruge

Ananda Wahihana Palliya Guruge was a Sri Lankan diplomat, buddhist leader and writer. He was the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sri Lanka to UNESCO, France, and the United States (with non-resident accreditation to Spain, Algeria, and Mexico) from 1985 to 1994, and an adjunct professor of Religious Studies at Cal State Fullerton. Guruge…

Gregory Ganssle

Greg Ganssle is a Senior Fellow at the Rivendell Institute and lectures in the Department of Philosophy at Yale University. His work explores the intersection of Christian faith and contemporary scholarship. Ganssle earned a Masters of Arts in philosophy from the University of Rhode Island. He then went full time and earned his PhD from…

Neil Gillman

Neil Gillman was an American rabbi and philosopher, affiliated with Conservative Judaism. He graduated from McGill University in 1954. He was ordained as a rabbi at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1960. He received his PhD in philosophy from Columbia University in 1975. He is a member of the Conservative movement’s rabbinical body,…

Oliver Crisp

Oliver D. Crisp holds the Chair of Analytic Theology in the Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Theology in the University of St Andrews, Scotland.   Previously, he taught at Fuller Theological Seminary (2011-2019) in Los Angeles, and the University of Bristol (2006-2011) in England. He specializes in philosophical, systematic, and historical theology. He received a…

Dirk Evers

Dirk Evers is Professor for Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. He is President of The European Society for the Study of Science and Theology. He is also an ordained minister of the German Lutheran Church. Evers studied Protestant theology at the universities of Münster and Tübingen and at the Tamilnadu…

Celia Deane-Drummond

Celia Deane-Drummond is Director of the Laudato Si’ Research Institute and Senior Research Fellow in theology at Campion Hall, University of Oxford. She graduated in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University and obtained a doctorate in plant physiology at Reading University prior to two postdoctoral fellowships at the University of British Columbia and Cambridge University. She…

Paul Fiddes

Paul Stuart Fiddes is a British Baptist theologian. He is Professor of Systematic Theology in the University of Oxford and was formerly Principal of Regent’s Park College and Chairman of the Theology Faculty. He has been described as “one of the leading contemporary Baptist theologians”, “one of the leading scholars of theology and literature writing…

John Cottingham

John Cottingham is an English philosopher, educated at Merchant Taylors’ School near London, and St John’s College, Oxford. He is a Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Reading, Professorial Research Fellow, Heythrop College, University of London, and an Honorary Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford. He was from 1993 to 2012 editor of Ratio: the…

William Lane Craig

William Lane Craig is an American analytic philosopher and Christian theologian. He is known for his work in the philosophy of religion, philosophy of time, and the defense of Christian theism. He is notable for reviving interest in the Kalām cosmological argument with his 1979 publication of The Kalām Cosmological Argument, an argument for the…

John Behr

John Behr is a contemporary Eastern Orthodox priest and theologian, and Dean of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, where he teaches Patristics. He was ordained to the diaconate on September 8, 2001 (the feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos) and the priesthood on September 14, 2001 (the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross).…

Philip Clayton

Philip Clayton is Ingraham Professor at Claremont School of Theology. His previous teaching posts include Williams College and the California State University. Clayton received a joint doctorate in philosophy and religious studies from Yale University. Since that time he has written or edited some 24 books and close to two hundred articles. He has also…

Mahmoud Ayoub

Mahmoud Ayoub was born in 1938 in south Lebanon. Upon completion of his education, he has authored a number of books in English and Arabic in the area of Islam and Inter-religious dialogue. His most notable works including Redemptive Suffering in Islam and The Qur’an and Its Interpreters (2 volumes to date). He has published…