Cosmos: Doomsday argument? Philosophy & science? Consciousness: Brain alone? Brains go bad? Language? Meaning: How miracles? God fallacies?
13 videos
How does Islam address big questions in philosophy of religion? How does Islam approach the Problem of Evil, arguments for the existence of God, mystical experiences and the...
CTT Chat
How do the Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, and Christian traditions address the traits of God and other deities? What specific traits or attributes do deities possess? Is God a...
What is Kabbalah? Can we explore the nature of God through an understanding of Kabbalah and its teachings? In Kabbalah, what kinds of arguments have been advanced for the...
In Judaic history, what are the arguments for, and against, the existence of God? Considering Jewish history, from pogroms to the Holocaust, how to deal with the Problem of...
What are the core tenets of Sikhism? Is Sikhism a monotheistic religion? Or monistic? Or panentheistic? What arguments have been used for, and against, the existence of God?...
How does Hindu philosophy argue for or against the existence of God? How does the Vedantic tradition value mystical experiences? How do they view ultimate reality? Ravi...
What is Islamic philosophy? What is the Islamic perspective on metaphysics –the primary issues, such as essence vs existence? What are the arguments for the existence...
Today, we explore the philosophy of Shinto, Japan’s traditional religion. Toji Kamata, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, is an expert in Shinto and other Asian...
Greg Epstein—Humanist chaplain at MIT and Harvard University—explores how technology has evolved into a dominant cultural force, often resembling a religion in its...
Authors Series, CTT Chat
Philosophy of Biology has two sides: the process of science and the content of biology. We address key questions. What is the nature of life? How does evolution work and what...
Episode 1
Season 23
Science explores how the world works. Breakthroughs drive science, challenging conventional wisdom, changing ways of thinking. What are Breakthroughs in science?