It’s intended as ultimate purpose: salvation means eternal life with God. For believers, what actually happens, what kind of life? For non-believers, what can we learn... video Salvation – A Philosophical Inquiry Episode 13 Season 19 26:48 Watch
Can atonement absolve sin? For believers, how could The Atonement work? What’s the process? For non-believers, what does The Atonement say about the kind of God that... video Atonement – A Philosophical Inquiry Episode 12 Season 19 26:48 Watch
It’s a staggering idea: God became flesh. Why would the Creator become human? For believers, how could Divine and Human natures interact? For non-believers, how do beliefs... video The Incarnation – A Philosophical Inquiry Episode 11 Season 19 26:48 Watch
It seems the ultimate riddle: How could One God be Three Persons? How could One be Three? Or Three be One? And why three? Non-believers and believers can both enjoy the logic... video The Trinity – A Philosophical Inquiry Episode 10 Season 19 26:48 Watch
Why the astonishing claim that Jesus is God? Not like God. Not representing God. But literally God? One need not be a Christian, or even a theist, to appreciate the... video Jesus as God – A Philosophical Inquiry Episode 09 Season 19 26:48 Watch
Is analytic theology for the better, clarifying beliefs? Or for the worse, undermining faith? How does it compare with philosophy of religion, biblical studies and exegesis,... video Challenges of Analytic Theology Episode 13 Season 18 26:47 Watch
Can the analytic enrich the theological, sharpening distinctions of doctrine? Can deep questions about God be addressed with methods and practices that are precise and... video What is Analytic Theology? Episode 08 Season 18 26:47 Watch
Theology is the study of God and religious doctrines. While few people are convinced to become believers by studying theology, many have come to appreciate the issues,... playlist Why Study Theology? Topic Series 7 videos 51:12 Watch
What happens when deep questions of God are addressed by the precise methods of analytic philosophy? It’s not about “proving” the existence of God. It is about... playlist Analytic Theology Topic Series 8 videos 1:10:30 Watch
How to comprehend religious doctrines, specifically Christian doctrines? Systematic theology seeks to organize, categorize, describe, explain, analyze and compare the... playlist Systematic Theology Topic Series 5 videos 43:40 Watch
Is Jesus God? Obviously, religions differ. But what about within the Christian religion? Is there a unified view of Jesus? Jesus before his human birth? Jesus during his... playlist Jesus as God Topic Series 10 videos 1:32:31 Watch
The claim that Jesus was a pre-existing spiritual being who assumed human flesh is the central tenet of Christianity. What exactly would this mean? Could Jesus really be... playlist What is the Christian Incarnation? Topic Series 4 videos 40:38 Watch
The Christian incarnation is the central event of the Christian religion. Some Christian theologians go further and claim the incarnation to be the central event in the... playlist Is God Incarnate in All That Is? Topic Series 6 videos 42:15 Watch
Christology is the theology of Jesus—the person, life, nature, essence and meaning of the Godhead Being who was incarnated in the human person Jesus. Some Christian... playlist Christology and Science? Topic Series 5 videos 33:05 Watch
That God became human is the core of the Christian religion. What is the deep meaning of the incarnation? What are the prime elements that compose the incarnation? Can... playlist Why the Christian Incarnation? Topic Series 5 videos 45:47 Watch
‘Sin’ is a term loaded with baggage. Different groups, mainly religious, use ‘sin’ to describe violations of the given order. Perpetrators of sin... playlist Why is Sin? Topic Series 9 videos 1:16:43 Watch
The Christian claim is that salvation is the ultimate goal of human life. But what literally is salvation and how does one obtain it? How to comprehend each element of the... playlist How Does Salvation Work? Topic Series 5 videos 45:16 Watch
Christians are accustomed to hearing that “Jesus died for our sins”. But what would that mean literally? How would atonement work? What would be happening? Is there a... playlist How Does Atonement Work? Topic Series 4 videos 34:40 Watch
In the New Testament, Paul is axial, the formulator of uniquely Christian doctrines. But why is Paul controversial? One critical question is Paul’s teachings relative to... playlist New Perspectives on Paul Topic Series 2 videos 16:44 Watch
What happens when traditional theological doctrines clash with clear discoveries of science? For example, original sin in the Garden of Eden vs the evidence of evolution. How... playlist Challenging Theological Doctrines Topic Series 6 videos 56:20 Watch
John Behr Eastern Orthodox priest and theologian; Regius Professor of Humanity, University of Aberdeen
Celia Deane-Drummond Director, Laudato Si’ Research Institute and Senior Research Fellow in Theology, University of Oxford
Paul Fiddes Principal Emeritus, former Chairman, Faculty of Theology and Religion, St Peter’s College, Oxford
Rodney Holder Former Course Director, Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge University
Christopher Knight Orthodox priest, former Executive Secretary of the International Society for Science and Religion
Alister McGrath Andreas Idreos Professorship in Science and Religion, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford
Michael Murray Senior Scholar of Philosophy, Franklin & Marshall Collge; President, Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
Richard Swinburne Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
N.T. Wright Research Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of St. Andrews; former Bishop of Durham