It’s the ultimate puzzle. It’s the haunting question. Why is there “something” rather than “nothing”? It seems impenetrable, uncrackable, unfathomable. But are... video Why Anything at All II? Episode 07 Season 19 26:48 Watch
To solve the great mystery ‘Why does Anything At All Exist?’, many invoke ‘God’. But isn’t God also ‘Anything’? How could God be the reason why there is... video Why God, Not Nothing? Episode 11 Season 13 26:47 Watch
What is Nothing? What if nothing ever existed? Scientists claim that the universe came from nothing. But what’s the nature of nothing? That’s where the confusion... video What is Nothing? Episode 12 Season 12 26:45 Watch
Why is there a world, a cosmos, something-instead of absolutely nothing at all? Of all the big questions, this is the biggest. Why? What can we learn from... video Why Anything at All? Episode 13 Season 12 26:45 Watch
Forget science. Forget God. This is the ultimate question: What if Everything had Forever been Nothing? Not just emptiness, not just blankness, but not even the existence of... video Why is There "Something" Rather than "Nothing"? Episode 06 Season 03 26:46 Watch
If all that exists—everything imaginable, physical and nonphysical—is ‘something’. Why is there ‘something’ rather than ‘nothing’?... playlist The Mystery of Existence (Part 1) Topic Series 6 videos 49:05 Watch
If all that exists—everything imaginable, physical and nonphysical—is ‘something’. Why is there ‘something’ rather than ‘nothing’?... playlist The Mystery of Existence (Part 2) Topic Series 7 videos 1:02:23 Watch
Here’s the ultimate question: what if it were true that everything always and forever had been ‘nothing’? Imagine that not a single thing ever... playlist Why is There 'Something' Rather Than 'Nothing'? (Part 1) Topic Series 1:07:11 Watch
We know that there is not Nothing. There is Something. It is not the case that there is no world, nothing at all, a blank. It is the case that there is a world. Nothing did... playlist Why There is ‘Something’ Rather than ‘Nothing’? (Part 2) Topic Series 8 videos 54:59 Watch
Why isn’t there nothing at all? Why is it not the case that there is no cosmos, no laws of nature, no consciousness, literally nothing at all? Scientists claim that the... playlist Why Not Nothing? (Part 1) Topic Series 7 videos 1:47 Watch
Why isn’t there nothing at all? Why is it not the case that there is no cosmos, no laws of nature, no consciousness, literally nothing at all? Scientists claim that the... playlist Why Not Nothing? (Part 2) Topic Series 6 videos 56:29 Watch
Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be nothing to explain. That anything exists demands... playlist Why is There Anything at All? (Part 1) Topic Series 6 videos 51:27 Watch
Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be, well, ‘nothing’ to explain. To have... playlist Why Is There Anything At All? (Part 2) Topic Series 7 videos 59:22 Watch
Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be, well, ‘nothing’ to explain. To have... playlist Why Is There Anything At All? (Part 3) Topic Series 6 videos 40:00 Watch
Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be, well, ‘nothing’ to explain. To have... playlist Why Is There Anything At All? (Part 4) Topic Series 37:04 Watch
Why is there a world, a cosmos, something, anything instead of absolutely nothing at all? If nothing existed, there would be, well, ‘nothing’ to explain. To have... playlist Why is There Anything at All? (Part 5) Topic Series 5 videos 39:56 Watch
Scott Aaronson Professor of Computer Science; Director, Quantum Information Center, University of Texas at Austin
Robbert Dijkgraaf Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Netherlands; forrner Director, Institute for Advanced Study
Willem Drees Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of the Humanities, Tilburg University; former editor-in-chief of Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science
Mario Livio Astrophysicist, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Visiting Professor of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science
John Polkinghorne Professor of Mathematical Physics, President, Queens' College, Cambridge; Anglican priest; Templeton Prize recipient
Richard Swinburne Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
Keith Ward Philospher and Theologian; former Regius Professor of Divinity; former Canon, Christ Church, Oxford
Dean Zimmerman Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion, Rutgers University