Here’s the claim: each level of the scientific hierarchy — physics, chemistry, biology, psychology — has its own special laws that can never be explained by deeper laws... video What’s Strong Emergence? Episode 05 Season 19 26:48 Watch
Our universe began with a swirling, seething plasma-everything, everywhere, all the same. Today we have galaxies, stars, planets, people. How did such structure come about? video Complexity from Simplicity? Episode 09 Season 09 26:45 Watch
Are there “general principles” that encompass all sciences, that explain even beyond the sciences? What would that mean about our world and about us? video Do General Principles Govern All Science? Episode 04 Season 10 26:46 Watch
Does ordinary stuff have mysterious properties? Take anything; find all its parts; combine those parts any way you like. What do you expect? Nothing at all like what you... video How Can Emergence Explain Reality? Episode 10 Season 03 26:46 Watch
Are there ‘general principles’ that encompass all sciences, which have explanatory strength from physics to biology? Could such general principles even explain... playlist Do General Principles Govern All Science? Topic Series 5 videos 42:17 Watch
Are the laws of nature or physics blind in that they seek no direction and have no ‘purpose’? That’s the scientific paradigm. But the world works so well:... playlist Is the World Self-Organizing? Topic Series 8 videos 1:28 Watch
Our universe began with a swirling, seething plasma—everything, everywhere, all the same. Today we have galaxies, stars, planets, people. How did such structure come about?... playlist What is Complexity in the Cosmos? Topic Series 9 videos 1:32:33 Watch
How critical is emergence in how the world works? Emergence happens when the behavior of composite things is more complex than the additive behaviors of all its constituent... playlist Is Emergence Fundamental? Topic Series 8 videos 1:28 Watch
Emergence is how the world works differently at various levels or hierarchies of organization. It’s what happens when the whole becomes more than the sum of all its... playlist Why is Emergence Significant? Topic Series 7 videos 1:05:51 Watch
Is emergence a mystery? Does ordinary stuff have mysterious properties? Take anything; find and separate all its parts and catalogue their properties. Then recombine those... playlist Can Emergence Explain Reality? Topic Series 7 videos 1:10:17 Watch
The universe began as a simple hot bath of particles and forces. How then the vast diversity of things we find on earth today? Much depends on the principles of... playlist How Complexity and Emergence Create a Cosmos? Topic Series 8 videos 1:10:11 Watch
The world works at different levels — fundamental physics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, sociology — with each level having its own rules and regularities. ... playlist What is Strong Emergence? Topic Series 5 videos 45:52 Watch
Two Nobel laureates – a biologist and a physicist – take on the big questions. One of the greatest challenges facing science at the beginning of the 21st century is how... video How Does Order Arise in the Universe? Roundtable 26:11 Watch
David Albert Professor of Philosophy and Director of the M.A. Program in The Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University
Francisco Ayala Former University Professor, Professor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Irvine
David Baltimore Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine; President Emeritus, Distinguished Professor of Biology, Caltech
David Chalmers Professor of Philosophy and Co-director, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University
David Deutsch Visiting Professor, Centre for Quantum Computation, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford
Willem Drees Professor Emeritus of Philosophy of the Humanities, Tilburg University; former editor-in-chief of Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science
Rodney Holder Former Course Director, Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, Cambridge University
Christopher Knight Orthodox priest, former Executive Secretary of the International Society for Science and Religion
Tom McLeish Professor (Emeritus) of Natural Philosophy, Department of Physics, University of York, UK
Frank Wilczek Nobel Laureate in Physics; Templeton Prize recipient; Emeritus Professor of Physics, MIT; Distinguished Professor in Physics, Arizona State University