What’s the ultimate stuff of reality? What’s absolutely fundamental and non-reducible — the fewest number of categories within which every specific thing, of every... video What Exists II? Episode 06 Season 19 26:48 Watch
What’s the world as it really is? Not filtered, not represented, not interpreted. Bedrock reality. Meaning and purpose, if any, depends on it. But can we know if what we... video Critical Realism in Science & Theology Episode 02 Season 18 26:48 Watch
Lots of things exist. But what’s truly fundamental? The challenge is to discern the minimum number of basic categories that explains the entirety of existence. video What Exists? Episode 10 Season 17 26:48 Watch
Why does one thing ‘cause’ another thing? Is causation fundamental, primitive, real—not reducible to, or explainable by, anything else? Or is causation a human... video What is Causation? Episode 11 Season 15 26:47 Watch
Everyone wants to know ‘Truth’. But what is Truth? People argue about Truth; people fight about Truth—consider politics and religion. But what is the basic meaning of... video What is Truth? Episode 05 Season 14 26:47 Watch
Is the physical world real? Or an expression of consciousness. Is consciousness real? Or an illusion? Is there a spirit world? Many dismiss anything other than the physical. video What Things are Real? Episode 08 Season 13 26:47 Watch
Some think metaphysics is ancient nonsense; others that it’s the bizarre occult. Real metaphysics asks the most profound questions, seeks the deepest truths. video Does Metaphysics Reveal Reality? Episode 08 Season 09 26:46 Watch
How does metaphysics contribute to our understanding of the world? It asks the most profound questions: What kinds of things exist? How does causality work? Sound too... video Can Metaphysics Discover Surprises? Episode 06 Season 06 26:46 Watch
When you ask “what things really exist”, and you think deeply about this universal probe, you see the whole world anew. It’s such a simple question; how... video What Things Really Exist? Episode 04 Season 03 26:46 Watch
Some think metaphysics is ancient nonsense; others that it’s the bizarre occult. How does modern metaphysics contribute to our understanding of the world? It asks the... playlist How does Metaphysics Reveal Reality? Topic Series 6 videos 55:30 Watch
Metaphysics asks the most profound questions, seeks the deepest truths, examines the most general features of existence. What really exists? What’s fundamental?... playlist Can Metaphysics Discover Surprises? Topic Series 43:09 Watch
In a ‘billiard-ball world’ of Newtonian science, causation was obvious—things had to touch each other in space and a cause always had to precede an effect. But... playlist What is Causation? Topic Series 10 videos 1:14:56 Watch
What are anti-realists and why do they deny objective reality? What we know of the world must come through our senses and be processed by our brains. Both can be unreliable;... playlist Realism vs. Anti-realism Topic Series 9 videos 1:10:55 Watch
Does what we discover in science reflect what really exists in the world? Can science access external, independent, ultimate reality? “Realists” say Yes;... playlist Critical Realism in Science and Theology Topic Series 7 videos 1:03:30 Watch
Does what we discover in science reflect what really exists in the world? Can science access external, independent, ultimate reality? “Realists” say yes;... playlist Critical Realism: Ernan McMullin Tribute Topic Series 5 videos 40:11 Watch
Is the physical world real? Some claim that the physical world is only an expression of consciousness. Is the mental world real? Some claim that human consciousness is an... playlist What Things are Real? Topic Series 4 videos 42:10 Watch
When you ask what things really exist, and you think deeply about this probe to apprehend what is out there, you see the whole world anew. What are the most general... playlist What Things Really Exist? Topic Series 7 videos 1:12:10 Watch
How many different kinds of ‘things’ are there? What are the fewest number of things that can characterize existence and do so exhaustively? In other words, what... playlist What Are the Things of Existence? Topic Series 6 videos 56:23 Watch
We look around and see innumerable things and to each we give a separate name. But most things are composites, made up of smaller, more fundamental things. So digging down to... playlist All Reality Consists of What Things? Topic Series 6 videos 49:25 Watch
Lots of things exist. But what is so absolutely fundamental in that it cannot be further reduced into anything more fundamental, but other things that exist can be reduced to... playlist What Exists? (Part 1) Topic Series 5 videos 41:10 Watch
Lots of things exist. But what is so absolutely fundamental in that it cannot be further reduced into anything more fundamental, but other things that exist can be reduced to... playlist What Exists? (Part 2) Topic Series 7 videos 1:03:41 Watch
Lots of things exist. But what is so absolutely fundamental in that it cannot be further reduced into anything more fundamental, but other things that exist can be reduced to... playlist What Exists? (Part 3) Topic Series 8 videos 58:14 Watch
What is the ultimate essence of all things? What is ultimate existence, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, ineffability, causation? What is Brahman in... playlist Fundamental Reality: Essence & Existence (Part I) Topic Series 5 videos 43:45 Watch
What is the ultimate essence of all things? What is ultimate existence, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, ineffability, causation? What is Brahman in... playlist Fundamental Reality: Essence & Existence (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos 42:34 Watch
What is the ultimate essence of all things? What is ultimate existence, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, ineffability, causation? What is Brahman in... playlist Fundamental Reality: Essence & Existence (Part III) Topic Series 4 videos 30:11 Watch
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the ultimate essence of all things, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, interconnectivity,... playlist Metaphysics: Essence and Existence (Part I) Topic Series 4 videos 43:46 Watch
How do Buddhism, Chinese traditions, and Hinduism address the ultimate essence of all things, the ground of being? What are transcendence, oneness, interconnectivity,... playlist Metaphysics: Essence and Existence (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos 35:55 Watch
Scott Aaronson Professor of Computer Science; Director, Quantum Information Center, University of Texas at Austin
David Albert Professor of Philosophy and Director of the M.A. Program in The Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University
Francisco Ayala Former University Professor, Professor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Irvine
David Chalmers Professor of Philosophy and Co-director, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University
William Lane Craig Philosopher and Philosophical Theologian; Visiting Scholar in Philosophy, Biola University
Daniel Dennett Former University Professor, Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University
Jay Garfield Professor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne; Doris Silbert Professor in the Humanities, Smith College
Arthur Hyman Professor of Philosophy, former Dean of the Bernard Revel Graduate School, and Rabbi, Yeshiva University
Andrew Loke Associate Professor of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University; Elected Fellow, International Society for Science and Religion
Tom McLeish Professor (Emeritus) of Natural Philosophy, Department of Physics, University of York, UK
Yujin Nagasawa Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics; Professor of the Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
Carlo Rovelli Theoretical Physicist, Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy; Distinguished Visiting Research Chair, Perimeter Institute
John Searle Former Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California, Berkeley
Richard Swinburne Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
Bas van Fraassen Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University; McCosh Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Princeton University
Frank Wilczek Nobel Laureate in Physics; Templeton Prize recipient; Emeritus Professor of Physics, MIT; Distinguished Professor in Physics, Arizona State University
Dean Zimmerman Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion, Rutgers University