Consciousness is what we know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven. Consciousness... video What is Consciousness? Episode 02 Season 13 26:46 Watch
Consciousness is what mental activity feels like, the private inner experience of sensation, thought and emotion. Consciousness is like nothing else. video Confronting Consciousness Episode 13 Season 11 26:46 Watch
Is consciousness something special in the universe, a carrier of meaning and purpose? Or is consciousness a mere artifact of the brain, a by-product of evolution? I hope... video Is Consciousness an Illusion? Episode 02 Season 10 26:46 Watch
How can the mindless microscopic particles that compose our brains “experience” the setting sun, the Mozart Requiem, and romantic love? video Why is Consciousness So Mysterious? Episode 03 Season 01 26:46 Watch
How does consciousness weave its magical web of inner awareness-appreciating music, enjoying art, feeling love? Even when all mental functions may be explained, the great... video Why is Consciousness Baffling? Episode 01 Season 04 26:46 Watch
Is our mental life a random accident, solely the product or byproduct of physical brain? Or is there something deeply special about conscious awareness that may reveal a... video Is Consciousness Fundamental? Episode 08 Season 03 26:45 Watch
Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven.... playlist What Is Consciousness? (Part 1) Topic Series 7 videos 59:00 Watch
Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven.... playlist What Is Consciousness? (Part 2) Topic Series 8 videos 1:18:29 Watch
Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven.... playlist What is Consciousness? (Part 3) Topic Series 7 videos 59:11 Watch
Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven.... playlist What is Consciousness? (Part 4) Topic Series 8 videos 1:10:04 Watch
Consciousness is what we can know best and explain least. It is the inner subjective experience of what it feels like to see red or smell garlic or hear Beethoven.... playlist What is Consciousness? (Part 5) Topic Series 51:38 Watch
Is consciousness something special in the universe, its own category, irreducible to physical laws, a carrier of meaning and purpose? Or is consciousness a mere artifact of... playlist Is Consciousness an Illusion? (Part 1) Topic Series 8 videos 1:19:48 Watch
Is consciousness something special in the universe, its own category, irreducible to physical laws, a carrier of meaning and purpose? Or is consciousness a mere artifact of... playlist Is Consciousness an Illusion? (Part 2) Topic Series 7 videos 51:48 Watch
How can the mindless microscopic particles that compose our brains ‘experience’ the setting sun, the Mozart Requiem, and romantic love? How can sparks of brain... playlist Why is Consciousness so Mysterious? Topic Series 6 videos 1:03:37 Watch
How does consciousness weave its magical web of inner awareness—appreciating music, enjoying art, feeling love? Even when all mental functions may be explained, the great... playlist Why is Consciousness So Baffling? (Part I) Topic Series 8 videos 1:27:37 Watch
How does consciousness weave its magical web of inner awareness—appreciating music, enjoying art, feeling love? Even when all mental functions may be explained, the great... playlist Why is Consciousness So Baffling? (Part II) Topic Series 4 videos 33:18 Watch
The great challenge is explain consciousness—the inner experiences of sense, thought, intent, feelings. It’s what David Chalmers calls ‘The Hard Problem’... playlist Is Consciousness Fundamental? Topic Series 11 videos 1:43:53 Watch
Why is consciousness so contentious? Neuroscience can increasingly explain many facets of consciousness, but what about conscious awareness itself? Some philosophers claim... playlist Is Consciousness Irreducible? Topic Series 10 videos 1:30:43 Watch
Is there something special about consciousness? Can our inner subjective experience—the sight of purple, smell of cheese, sound of Bach—ever be explained in purely... playlist Is Consciousness an Ultimate Fact? Topic Series 9 videos 1:30:11 Watch
Consciousness is what mental activity feels like, the private inner experience of sensation, thought and emotion. Watching a dramatic movie. Imagining your family’s... playlist What's the Essence of Consciousness? Topic Series 9 videos 1:34:58 Watch
Only about consciousness can we be 100 percent sure. That consciousness exists almost everyone agrees. What consciousness means—that’s where arguments and... playlist What's the Meaning of Consciousness? Topic Series 9 videos 1:25:29 Watch
How can consciousness be addressed scientifically? The Tucson conference, founded in 1994 and celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2014, exemplifies the quest. What are the... playlist Toward a Science of Consciousness Topic Series 11 videos 1:44:23 Watch
We feel as if our consciousness is unified—we integrate sight, sound, all the senses. Our minds feel as an indivisible whole. But eye or brain injury can alter or eliminate... playlist Is Consciousness Unified? Topic Series 6 videos 53:12 Watch
Panpsychism is the extreme claim that everything in the physical world—all subatomic particles-are in some sense ‘conscious’ or have a basic kind of... playlist What is Panpsychism? Topic Series 7 videos 50:05 Watch
Concepts of consciousness, cosmic and personal. What is it? How does it work? Why / how is consciousness ultimate? What follows? playlist Consciousness as Ultimate (Part I) Topic Series 5 videos 40:04 Watch
What is the essence of consciousness? Is consciousness cosmic, pervasive and fundamental, the ultimate reality? Where does our personal consciousness come from? We explore... playlist Consciousness as Ultimate (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos 47:48 Watch
Four renowned brain scientists tackle the conundrum of how to define, let alone study, consciousness. Their differences are immediately apparent as they attempt to describe... video Is Consciousness Definable? Roundtable 26:12 Watch
It’s the stuff of our private selves, that which gives us our personal and collective identity. But just what is this thing called consciousness? Experts say that this... video What is Consciousness? Roundtable 26:28 Watch
Deirdre Barrett Clinical Psychologist, Harvard Medical School; Past President, International Association for the Study of Dreams
Stephen Braude Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Maryland, Baltimore; former President, Parapscyhological Association
David Chalmers Professor of Philosophy and Co-director, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University
Daniel Dennett Former University Professor, Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University
Jay Garfield Professor of Philosophy, University of Melbourne; Doris Silbert Professor in the Humanities, Smith College
Susan Greenfield Neuroscientist, Writer, Broadcaster, Entrepreneur; former Professor of Pharmacology, Oxford
Stuart Hameroff Professor Emeritus, Anesthesiology and Psychology; Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona
Michael Merzenich Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Francisco; Kavli Laureate in Neuroscience
Yujin Nagasawa Kingfisher College Chair of the Philosophy of Religion and Ethics; Professor of the Philosophy, University of Oklahoma
Sam Parnia Associate Professor, Medicine; Director, Critical Care and Resuscitation Research, NYU Langone
Varadaraja Raman Professor Emeritus of Physics and Humanities, Rochester Institute of Technology; former President, Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
Marilyn Schlitz Professor, Transpersonal Psychology, Sofia University; President Emeritus, Institute of Noetic Sciences
John Searle Former Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California, Berkeley
Charles Tart Associated Distinguished Professor, Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
Giulio Tononi Professor and Director, Wisconsin Institute for Sleep and Conssciousness, University of Wisconsin
Keith Ward Philospher and Theologian; former Regius Professor of Divinity; former Canon, Christ Church, Oxford
Gino Yu Associate Professor and Director of Digital Entertainment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University