To appreciate Time is to touch the texture of reality. Does Time differ from our common perceptions of it? Is Time fixed or flexible? video What is Time? Episode 02 Season 11 26:45 Watch
Is time the ultimate stage on which all events play? Some physicists and philosophers say No — time is an Illusion; time is not real. How can that be? video Time at Sea Episode 01 Season 11 26:45 Watch
Time seems natural and absolute: the flow of moments one following another from the unknown past to the knife’s edge present to the unknowable future. But this is not... video What’s Real About Time? Episode 10 Season 05 26:46 Watch
Einstein showed that space and time are essentially the same thing—a single entity, space-time. But space and time seem so radically different. How could space and time be... video Marvels of Space-Time Episode 05 Season 07 26:46 Watch
Some scientists take time travel seriously. Should you? What does time travel reveal about the nature of space and time and the laws of physics under extreme conditions? video Is Time Travel Possible? Episode 06 Season 02 26:46 Watch
Time is a mystery; it’s not what it seems. Time’s flow feels unstoppable, yet some say time is not fundamental, perhaps not even real. Why do physicists and... playlist What is Time? Topic Series 51:44 Watch
Einstein showed that space and time are essentially the same thing, a single entity called ‘spacetime’. But space and time seem so radically different. How could... playlist What is Space-Time? Topic Series 4 videos 37:11 Watch
What does it mean for space and time to be the same thing? Not related to each other, but literally two descriptions of precisely the same entity—’spacetime’?... playlist How Can Space and Time be the Same Thing? Topic Series 4 videos 34:58 Watch
What does it mean for time to be real? Is time the ultimate stage on which all events play? Some physicists and philosophers would say no, time is an illusion; time is not... playlist Is Time Real? Topic Series 6 videos 48:09 Watch
Time seems natural and absolute: the flow of moments, one following another, from the unknown past to the knife’s edge present to the unknowable future. But perhaps... playlist What's Real about Time? Topic Series 8 videos 59:45 Watch
To appreciate time is to touch the texture of reality. Does time differ from our common perceptions of flow and passage? Is time fixed or flexible? Do we misunderstand time?... playlist Setting Time Aright Topic Series 6 videos 49:34 Watch
How deep goes time? Is time bedrock reality, part of the fundamental fabric of reality? Or is time an emergent thing, generated by deeper truths of existence? What is the... playlist Is Time Fundamental? Topic Series 8 videos 58:29 Watch
Are events measured by time? Or is time created by sequences of events? Which is more fundamental, events or time? Worse, we may get different answers from quantum mechanics... playlist Events and the Nature of Time Topic Series 8 videos 1:11:36 Watch
Some scientists take time travel seriously. Should you? What does time travel reveal about the nature of space and time? What about the laws of physics under extreme... playlist Is Time Travel Possible? Topic Series 8 videos 1:19:27 Watch
Scott Aaronson Professor of Computer Science; Director, Quantum Information Center, University of Texas at Austin
David Albert Professor of Philosophy and Director of the M.A. Program in The Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University
David Gross Nobel Laueate in Physics; Chancellor's Chair Professor of Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara
John Polkinghorne Professor of Mathematical Physics, President, Queens' College, Cambridge; Anglican priest; Templeton Prize recipient
Varadaraja Raman Professor Emeritus of Physics and Humanities, Rochester Institute of Technology; former President, Institute on Religion in an Age of Science
Carlo Rovelli Theoretical Physicist, Centre de Physique Theorique de Luminy; Distinguished Visiting Research Chair, Perimeter Institute
Bas van Fraassen Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University; McCosh Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Princeton University