What is happening in our brains when we perceive and appreciate the arts? What are the neural substrates of artistic sensations, feelings and emotions? How do diverse arts... video Can the Brain Explain Art? Episode 03 Season 20 26:47 Watch
If mind and brain are the same thing, then the physical world is likely all that exists. But if mind and brain are not the same thing, then what? Could reality go beyond the... video Are Brain and Mind the Same Thing? Episode 05 Season 10 26:45 Watch
Everything I know — everything! — comes from my brain. Consciousness, our private sense of inner awareness, is the one big question to which we might find... video What Makes Brains Conscious? Episode 06 Season 07 26:46 Watch
What is it about the brain that enables some scientists to claim they can explain mind? And what is it about scientific explanations that some philosophers reject? video Can Brain Explain Mind? Episode 04 Season 02 26:46 Watch
What is it about the brain that enables many scientists to claim the brain can fully explain mind? And what is it about such neuroscientific explanations of mental experience... playlist Can Brain Explain Mind? Topic Series 8 videos 1:13:18 Watch
The mind consists of sensations, thoughts, cogitations, intentions, feelings. How could these inner mental capacities, these felt experiences, be produced by the three pounds... playlist Does Brain Make Mind? (Part I) Topic Series 7 videos 1:04:54 Watch
The mind consists of sensations, thoughts, cogitations, intentions, feelings. How could these inner mental capacities, these felt experiences, be produced by the three pounds... playlist Does Brain Make Mind? (Part II) Topic Series 5 videos 40:16 Watch
What must the brain do to generate the mind? The mind consists of sensations, thoughts, cogitations, intentions, feelings—the felt inner experiences that constitute what we... playlist How Brain Makes Mind? Topic Series 10 videos 1:31:32 Watch
Brains are conscious. The heart is not. What does the brain do that the heart does not do? How does it come to be that brains generate inner subjective experience, the movies... playlist How are Brains Conscious? Topic Series 10 videos 1:29:04 Watch
Everything we know, think and feel—everything!—comes from our brains. But consciousness, our private sense of inner awareness, remains a mystery. Brain... playlist What Makes Brains Conscious? Topic Series 9 videos 1:21:29 Watch
For the brain and mind to be the same thing, mind must be entirely the output of brain. This means the mind must be the brain—literally, identically. If so, then the... playlist Are Brain and Mind the Same Thing? Topic Series 8 videos 1:12:10 Watch
Mind stuff consists of perceptions, cognitions, emotions. Brain stuff consists of electrical sparks and circuits and chemical concentrations and flows. These are not similar... playlist What's the Stuff of Mind and Brain? Topic Series 7 videos 1:03:28 Watch
Is consciousness a scientific problem to be solved? Or a philosophical problem that will remain a mystery? What do scientists who study the brain think? And why do they think... playlist How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness Topic Series 9 videos 1:40:08 Watch
What is happening in our brains when we perceive and appreciate the arts? What are the neural substrates of artistic sensations, feelings and emotions? How do diverse arts... playlist Neuroaesthetics: How the Brain Explains Art Topic Series 8 videos 51:44 Watch
How can aesthetics be explained by the brain and its underlying biological, chemical, and physical processes? Neuroscience is explaining ever more about art, but will... playlist Aesthetics: Physics and Neuroscience Topic Series 9 videos 1:04:53 Watch
Modern brain research has given humankind a deeper understanding of how humans sense, think and feel. Yet, while the topic has enticed philosophers for centuries, the... video Do Brains Make Minds? Roundtable 27:48 Watch
Colin Blakemore Former Director of the Centre for the Study of the Senses, Institute of Philosphy, University of London
David Chalmers Professor of Philosophy and Co-director, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University
Anjan Chatterjee Professor of Neurology, Psychology, and Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania
Antonio Damasio David Dornsife Chair in Neuroscience, and Professor of Psychology, Philosophy, and Neurology, USC
Daniel Dennett Former University Professor, Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, and Director of the Center for Cognitive Studies, Tufts University
Christopher Evans Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, and former Director of the Brain Research Institute, University of California at Los Angeles
Susan Greenfield Neuroscientist, Writer, Broadcaster, Entrepreneur; former Professor of Pharmacology, Oxford
Stuart Hameroff Professor Emeritus, Anesthesiology and Psychology; Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona
John Iversen Associate Professor, Department of Psychology Neuroscience & Behaviour, McMaster University, Canada
Joseph LeDoux Henry And Lucy Moses Professor of Science; Professor of Neural Science, Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University
Kelsey Martin Director, Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative; former Dean, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA
Michael Merzenich Professor Emeritus, University of California, San Francisco; Kavli Laureate in Neuroscience
John Polkinghorne Professor of Mathematical Physics, President, Queens' College, Cambridge; Anglican priest; Templeton Prize recipient
Arnold Scheibel Professor of Neurobiology and Psychiatry, and former Director of the Brain Research Institute, UCLA
Marilyn Schlitz Professor, Transpersonal Psychology, Sofia University; President Emeritus, Institute of Noetic Sciences
John Searle Former Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language, University of California, Berkeley
Robert Stickgold Professor of Psychiatry; Director, Center for Sleep and Cognition, Harvard University
Richard Swinburne Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
Keith Ward Philospher and Theologian; former Regius Professor of Divinity; former Canon, Christ Church, Oxford
Dean Zimmerman Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Rutgers Center for the Philosophy of Religion, Rutgers University