The universe is strange and wondrous—dauntingly vast, menacingly violent, infinitely complex. There are explanations, but is there a final explanation? video Implications of Cosmology? Episode 03 Season 15 26:47 Watch
Perhaps we cannot know the reason for the universe, if there is any. But is it even possible for the universe to have a reason? If yes, how would natural regularities and... video Can the Cosmos Have a Reason? Episode 02 Season 15 26:47 Watch
How breathtakingly vast is the universe. How majestic. Is there meaning, purpose—a reason? Some scientists say no; we create our own purpose. Others look to God, while some... video Does the Cosmos Have a Reason? Episode 01 Season 15 26:47 Watch
The search for meaning and purpose is humanity’s never-ending quest. It is said that “How Questions” belong to the realm of science, but “Why... video Why the Cosmos? Episode 13 Season 04 26:46 Watch
We know the age of the universe, how stars were born, how galaxies were formed. But does the cosmos have meaning? Not make-believe, feel-good meaning. But real meaning. video Does the Cosmos Provide Meaning? Episode 05 Season 08 26:45 Watch
What’s real? What’s fundamental? There are regularities in nature, things that are or work the same-always, everywhere, across the universe just like in your... video Why the Laws of Nature? Episode 11 Season 04 26:46 Watch
What’s real? What’s fundamental? There are regularities in nature, things that are or work the same—always, everywhere, across the universe just like across... playlist Where Do the Laws of Nature Come From? Topic Series 9 videos 1:24:26 Watch
From the fusion of stars to the evolution of life, the world works because the laws of nature or physics make things happen. Our universe as a whole may have come into... playlist What is the Origin of the Laws of Nature? Topic Series 9 videos 1:32:07 Watch
Why is there a world that works so well? How does the cosmos generate diversity and opportunity? A major reason is innumerable regularities, which we call laws of nature,... playlist Which Laws of Nature are Fundamental? Topic Series 10 videos 1:40:05 Watch
The laws of nature or physics are assumed to be everywhere the same, on the far side of the universe as sure as on the far side of your house. Otherwise science itself could... playlist Are the Laws of Nature Always Constant? Topic Series 6 videos 57:39 Watch
The search for meaning and purpose is humanity’s never-ending quest. Some say that ‘how’ questions belong to the realm of science, but ‘why’... playlist Why the Cosmos? (Part 1) Topic Series 10 videos 1:28:16 Watch
The search for meaning and purpose is humanity’s never-ending quest. Some say that ‘how’ questions belong to the realm of science, but ‘why’... playlist Why the Cosmos? (Part 2) Topic Series 8 videos 57:13 Watch
What remarkable discoveries are being made in cosmology! Cosmologists now develop credible theories about the beginning and end of our universe and theory-based speculations... playlist Does the Cosmos have a Reason? Topic Series 11 videos 1:32:14 Watch
We know the age of the universe, how stars were born, how galaxies were formed. But does the cosmos have meaning? Not make-believe, feel-good meaning, but real meaning with... playlist Does Cosmology Provide Meaning? Topic Series 7 videos 58:11 Watch
Cosmologists are making startling discoveries, with real data enabling deep theories about the beginning and end of our universe and informed speculations about various kinds... playlist What are the Implications of Cosmology? Topic Series 9 videos 1:17:10 Watch
What is the farthest extent of the physical world, not only cosmologically across the universe but also conceptually across laws of nature? Can there be radical new... playlist How Much More to Physical Reality? Topic Series 6 videos 58:33 Watch
Are there revolutionary discoveries to be made in the deep laws of nature? Do radical revelations and shocking secrets lie ahead? Does physical reality go radically beyond... playlist Does Physical Reality Go Beyond? Topic Series 8 videos 1:22:33 Watch
David Albert Professor of Philosophy and Director of the M.A. Program in The Philosophical Foundations of Physics, Columbia University
David Chalmers Professor of Philosophy and Co-director, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University
David Deutsch Visiting Professor, Centre for Quantum Computation, Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford
David Gross Nobel Laueate in Physics; Chancellor's Chair Professor of Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara
Bruce Murray Professor Emeritus of Planetary Science and Geology, Caltech; former Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
John Polkinghorne Professor of Mathematical Physics, President, Queens' College, Cambridge; Anglican priest; Templeton Prize recipient
Dimitar Sasselov Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Origins of Life Initiative, Harvard University
Marilyn Schlitz Professor, Transpersonal Psychology, Sofia University; President Emeritus, Institute of Noetic Sciences
Richard Swinburne Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion, University of Oxford
Charles Tart Associated Distinguished Professor, Integral and Transpersonal Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies
Bas van Fraassen Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, San Francisco State University; McCosh Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Princeton University
Frank Wilczek Nobel Laureate in Physics; Templeton Prize recipient; Emeritus Professor of Physics, MIT; Distinguished Professor in Physics, Arizona State University